#2 Gennaio
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2 gennaio … ricordiamo …
2 gennaio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2023: Frank Galati, regista, sceneggiatore e attore statunitense attivo in campo televisivo, teatrale e cinematografico. Nel 1966 insegnò all’Università della Florida Meridionale e conseguì un master’s degree alla Northwestern University, nel 1971 il dottorato di ricerca (PhD) alla Northwestern University. Nel 1976 diresse l’opera lirica The Mother of Us All. Divenne regista associato del Goodman…
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#2 gennaio#2 gennaio morti#Alan Hale Jr.#Alan Hale MacKahan#Anne Francis#Anne Lloyd Francis#Bob Einstein#Dick Powell#Emily Stevens#Frank Buxton#Frank Galati#Geneviève Menut#Genevieve Dolores Gerber#Genevieve Millett#Ginette Leclerc#Giuseppina Piovani#Guccio Giovanbattista Giacinto Dario Maria Gucci#Guccio Gucci#Jack Carson#Jean Dolores#Lia Zoppelli#Margaret Cynthia Field#Massimo Turci#Morti 2 gennaio#Morti oggi#Nancy Kelly#Neva Gerber#Pina Piovani#Renato Ranucci#Renato Rascel
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Veglia tu su di me, con cuore calmo. Guardami e comprendimi, con cuore calmo.
📍 Lecce, 02-01-2023
#catastrofeanotherme#anno nuovo#gennaio#2023#2 gennaio 2023#scatti#momenti#Lecce#Salento#veglia tu su di me#con cuore calmo#guardami e comprendimi con cuore calmo#momenti incancellabili#tranquillità e calma#buon inizio dell'anno#desideri#sogni#fotografie#mie fotografie#luna#mia luna#moon#lesbian#lesbian girl#woman and the moon#fotografia in bianco e nero#black and white#cielo mio#sky#visitando Lecce
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non è davvero arrivato una specie di richiest di export adesso oh no
#cioè sì è arrivata#è per il 2 gennaio#now. perché me la devi mandare adesso e a quest'ora? mandamela il 2 mattina presto tipo alle 8 così la faccio subito#d.it#d.txt
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Era da tempo che non vedevo Torino. È sempre poetica, sempre pacata e sempre un pò grigia. E sono sempre più convinta che regalarsi posti, luoghi e ricordi sia la scelta più saggia.
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mi chiedo perché debba continuare ad essere cosi triste, io non me ne capacito, da dove esce fuori questa tristezza? è come se restassi ferma, senza meta, a sopravvivere. vorrei, ma non posso. vorrei, ma non voglio allo stesso tempo. non l’affronterò mai, e forse preferisco sopravvivere piuttosto che affrontare la tua morte.
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I'm so sorry bologna
Ho votato Motta al sondaggio e ora non vincerà più una partita
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Ecco i motivi per cui è bello essere Liguri: ❤
1. Avere mare e monti a distanza di 30 minuti, forse anche meno.
2. Non conoscere il concetto di nebbia.
3. La “focaccia” calda a tutte le ore.
4. La cucina ligure , che riesce ad essere ricca con quasi niente.
5. “Belìn”, questo nostro intercalare onesto, melodioso e mai volgare.
6. Le fessure blu cobalto del cielo tra le case dei “caruggi”. (I vicoli).
7. La colazione “alla ligure” con la “fugassa” (Focaccia) pucciata nel caffelatte.
8. Gli autobus che si inerpicano anche sulle strade più assurde.
9. Un gatto che scruta il mondo dalla fessura di una persiana verde.
10. Poter fare il bagno in mare ad ottobre come se fosse la cosa più normale del mondo.
11. Il “pesto”, che ci offendiamo se gli altri lo copiano, anche se sappiamo benissimo che oramai lo fanno cani e porci.
12. Salire in 10 minuti per "bricchi” (Montagne attorno alle nostre città ) e trovarsi fuori dal mondo.
13. Salire in 10 minuti per “bricchi” e trovarsi dentro una calda osteria.
14. I veri liguri....Quelli che “una parola è poco, ma due sono già troppe!"
15. I veri liguri , così “chiusi” e così grandi di cuore.
16. Sentire i nostri vecchi parlare in dialetto e riuscire a capire quello che dicono (più o meno).
17. Tirare fuori il cappotto dall’armadio solo poche settimane all’anno.
18. Prendere in giro i “padani” per le code che si devono sorbire in autostrada per raggiungerci.
19. La spruzzata di neve a gennaio che paralizza la città e fa subito chiudere le scuole di ogni ordine e grado nemmeno vivessimo al Polo Nord.
20. Il “mugugno”, (Lamentarsi) che almeno questo non costa nulla.
21. Il “mugugno” che è diventato il nostro sport preferito.
22. Il misto “torte di verdura” servito in trattoria.
23. La “farinata”..... semplicemente geniale!
24. Ammirare la città dall’alto quando si torna a casa con l’aereo.
25. Leggere 10 gradi sul termometro nelle mattine d’inverno e mugugnare che “fa freddo”.
26. Leggere 10 gradi sul termometro nelle mattine d’inverno, arrivare a 20 gradi a mezzogiorno, e mugugnare che “fa caldo”.
27. Trovarsi in qualunque punto della nostra città e pensare che viviamo nella città più bella del Mondo, anche quando per mille motivi ci fa “arraggià” (Arrabbiare)
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8000 terroristi
22.185 vittime palestinesi (al 2 gennaio, sottostimate)
14.000 vittime civili
su una popolazione di cui il 40% ha meno di 14 anni.
Quindi, anche se l'ONU nel diritto internazionale dà una definizione molto stringente di 'genocidio', direi che al netto dei numeri quello che stanno facendo gli assomiglia comunque molto.
Concludo ribadendo che una sofferenza subita in passato ti può dare la possibilità di comprendere meglio quella degli altri ma non è affatto detto che ti rende automaticamente una persona migliore.
Una possibilità evidentemente non colta.
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Vi informo del fatto che, secondo i dati ISTAT, al 1° gennaio 2024 gli stranieri in Italia hanno raggiunto la percentuale del 9% della popolazione.
Nel gennaio 2021 erano l’8,5%, il che significa che in 3 anni sono cresciuti dello 0,5%. In pratica crescono di un punto ogni 6 anni, 2 ogni 12, e potrebbe essere anche di più. Considerate che nel frattempo aumentano i naturalizzati che oggi rappresentano il 2,3% della popolazione italiana e che crescono a un tasso del 2,2% all’anno sul numero dell’anno precedente (ISTAT).
Poi ci sono le seconde e terze generazioni che sono già italiane anche se non così integrate.
Considerando che secondo i dati IDOS attualmente il 34,2 degli stranieri sono mussulmani (3% della popolazione italiana), se aggiungiamo i naturalizzati i mussulmani sono già oggi al 3,7% e quindi alle elezioni del 2032 (se non prima) saranno in grado di formare un partito e di avere una significativa rappresentanza in Parlamento, diventando un alleato strategico della sx (pur non condividendone il grosso dei valori) nell’opera di devastazione dell’identità nazionale.
Non so a voi ma a me questa cosa preoccupa e non poco.
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Teresa Spanò 2 Gennaio
Giulia Donato 4 Gennaio
Martina Scialdone 13 Gennaio
Oriana Brunelli 14 Gennaio
Teresa Di Tondo 15 Gennaio
Alina Cristina Cozac 22 Gennaio
Giuseppina Faiella 28 Gennaio
Yana Malayko 1 Febbraio
Margherita Margani 4 Febbraio
Antonia Vacchelli 6 Febbraio
Melina Marino 11 Febbraio
Santa Castorina 11 Febbraio
Cesina Bambina Damiani 12 Febbraio
Rosina Rossi 16 Febbraio
Chiara Carta 18 Febbraio
Sigrid Grober 19 Febbraio
Maria Luisa Sassoli 23 Febbraio
Giuseppina Traini 25 Febbraio
Caterina Martucci 1 Marzo
Rosalba Dell’Albani 4 Marzo
Iolanda Pierazzo 6 Marzo
Iulia Astafieya 7 Marzo
Rossella Maggi 8 Marzo
Petronilla De Santis 9 Marzo
Rubina Kousar 9 Marzo
Maria Febronia Buttò 10 Marzo
Pinuccia Contin 16 Marzo
Francesca Giornelli 28 Marzo
Agnese Oliva 29 Marzo
Zenepe Uruci 30 Marzo
Carla Pasqua 31 Marzo
Alessandra Vicentini 31 Marzo
Sara Ruschi 13 Aprile
Brunetta Ridolf 13 Aprile
Rosa Gigante 18 Aprile
Anila Ruci 19 Aprile
Stefania Rota 21 Aprile
Barbara Capovani 23 Aprile
Wilma Vezzaro 25 Aprile
Antonella Lopardo 2 Maggio
Rosanna Trento 3 Maggio
Danjela Neza 6 Maggio
Jessica Malaj 7 Maggio
Anica Panfile 21 Maggio
Yirel Natividad Peña Santana 27 Maggio
Ottavina Maestripieri 1 Giugno
Giulia Tramontano 1 Giugno
Pierpaola Romano 1 Giugno
Giuseppina De Francesco 8 Giugno
Maria Brigida Pesacane 8 Giugno
Floriana Floris 9 Giugno
Cettina De Bormida 10 Giugno
Rosa Moscatiello 12 Giugno
Svetlana Ghenciu 19 Giugno
Margherita Ceschin 24 Giugno
Laura Pin 28 Giugno
Maria Michelle Causo 28 Giugno
Ilenia Bonanno 6 Luglio
Benita Gasparini 19 Luglio
Mariella Marino 20 Luglio
Norma 22 Luglio
Vera Maria Icardi 24 Luglio
Marina Luzi 25 Luglio
Angela Gioiello 28 Luglio
Mara Fait 28 Luglio
Sofia Castelli 29 Luglio
Iris Setti 6 Agosto
Maria Costantini 9 Agosto
Celine Frei Matzohl 13 Agosto
Anna Scala 17 Agosto
Vera Schiopu 19 Agosto
Francesca Renata Marasco 28 Agosto
Rossella Nappini 4 Settembre
Marisa Leo 6 Settembre
Nerina Fontana 16 Settembre
Cosima D’Amato 20 Settembre
Maria Rosa Troisi 20 Settembre
Rosaria Di Marino 20 Settembre
Liliana Cojita 21 Settembre
Manuela Bittante 25 Settembre
Anna Elisa Fontana 25 Settembre
Carla Schiffo 27 Settembre
Monica Berta 27 Settembre
Klodiana Vefa 28 Settembre
Egidia Barberio 30 Settembre
Anna Malmusi 1 Ottobre
Piera Paganelli 4 Ottobre
Eleonora Moruzzi 5 Ottobre
Silvana Aru 13 Ottobre
Concetta Marruocco 14 Ottobre
Marta Di Nardo 20 Ottobre
Antonella Iaccarino 21 Ottobre
Giuseppina Lamarina 24 Ottobre
Pinuccia Anselmino 25 Ottobre
Annalisa D’Auria 28 Ottobre
Etleva Kanolija 29 Ottobre
Michele Faiers Dawn 1 Novembre
Patrizia Vella Lombardi 14 Novembre
Francesca Romeo 18 Novembre
Giulia Cecchetin 18 Novembre
Non ho neanche più lacrime da versare, solamente tanta rabbia, fino a quando dovremo sopportare tutto ciò?
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Second Vol in The Assistant series: In the arms of a Devil Rated: E F/M Cardinal Copia x F!Reader Papa Emeritus IV x F!Reader Also read it on my Ao3 here Previous Vol. : The Assistant
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4: Gearing up to roll out
Time seemed to speed up after you got back to the Abbey, back into the fast pace of your work, Gemma was due to pop any day now so Sister had her relocated from the Prime Movers Den to sick bay, goulettes who were specifically trained to bring forth a Papa's child into the world were kept nearby alongside two of the older Sisters of Sin, Vittoria and Sofia. The whole Ministry was buzzing with excitement about a new Emeritus, who if it was a boy would one day become the next Papa but if it were a girl she would become one of the many siblings of sin.
While most were hoping for a boy Primo didn't care if the baby was a boy or girl as long as they were healthy. The oldest Emeritus brother had been the fatherly figure for his two younger brothers Secondo and Terzo so it was no surprise when children were left on the step of the ministry or found alone on the street he was quick to take them under his wing, raising them with his wife Gemma. Primo loved and adored the many children that he had taken in there was no doubt about that, treating them all as if they had come from his own loins. But this child would truly be from his seed, a child between him and his beloved Prime Mover and wife.
"Dolcezza." Came the voice of your Cardinal as his arms wrapped around you from behind his chest pressed against your back, Copia wasn't afraid or put off by public affection in fact he encouraged it, you were his and he wanted everyone to know it. "Looks like Gem is about to pop, eh?." You nodded leaning back against him enjoying the embrace as he slowly swayed you both from side to side. "Sister called me to do some photos for Gennaio would you like to come with me?." You paused looking up at him. "Gennaio?." You questioned.
"Uhh… eh.. th-th- the first month in the New Year" "Oh! January." "Sì sì!… uhh… Jan-ua-ree." You couldn't help the laugh that slipped past your lips as Copia tried to repeat after you though his thick accent made it a little tough for him, you turned around in his arms to face him.
"Gold star for effort." You giggled leaning up to catch his lips feeling the man practically melt against you as he kissed you back once, twice a third on the fourth you both seemed to forget that you were standing in the hall of the Abbey, Copia had you pinned to the wall your arms wrapped around his neck as your lips molded together while your tongues danced.
At that moment Secondo had turned down the hall on his way to visit his sister-in-law, Sister Emilia at his side going over a few documents quietly chattering to herself. When his mismatched eyes landed on you and the Cardinal his blood boiled. Not so much over the fact that you weren't his anymore but the fact that you chose a pathetic Cardinal over him, a man of unholy valor. He was about to lash out until he felt a hand on his forearm. Emilia shook her head her dark curls bouncing those soft hazel eyes staring pleadingly up at him, it made the man visibly deflate letting her lead him to the other doorway. Secondo looked down at her hand clasped around his gloved one admiring the size difference between them. Emilia was a petite yet chubby woman with perfect birthing hips, ample breasts, and an ass that Secondo sometimes found himself staring at longer than he intended to.
Slowly Copia broke the kiss with a smack of your lips, staying close enough to where they were barely touching, his breathing deep and cheeks dusted with a light pink. "R-Ready bella?." He asked his voice barely a whisper as your lips made the tiniest brush against each other. "Yeah, yeah let's get going." You replied breathlessly as you took your Cardinal's hand walking with him to one of the meeting rooms in the South Wing, Sister stood against the open door like a teacher waiting to greet their students. "I'm glad you could make it, I only called you a half hour ago Cardi." Her voice dripped with sarcasm as Copia gave Imperator an apologetic look before he apologized several times in a row.
"Alright, alright get in here." She spoke as she ushered both of you into the room dragging Copia to the set up for the photos. "Now, Cardi I and Papa Nihil have thought about something that will- rile our followers up, make them both fear and respect you." Nihil chimed in. "Because let's face it you are as intimidating as that stupid cat poster in your room." Copia's face deadpanned the man slouching forward. "Thanks for pointing that out, Papa." sarcasm dripped from his words. "Enough." Sister spoke holding up a CVS bag. "This will help you." Reaching into the bag Sister Imperator pulled out Terzo's head, you were stunned into silence Copia shouted as he stumbled backward falling onto the floor. "S-S-SISTER?!?!?!"
Imperator rolled her eyes "Oh for the love of- it's fake." She tossed it to Copia who caught it and immediately dropped the fake severed head onto his chest the lifeless eyes staring at him, Copia poked the head a few times before determining that Sister was telling the truth.
"Uhhh… Sister….. why do you… why do you even have this?." The Cardinal asked as you helped him up from the floor making a face as he passed you the fake head, to your surprise it was heavy, made of wax. looking across the room you saw a child basketball hoop suctioned up to the door, you looked from the head to the hoop and back… you wondered if you could… no… no you shouldn't… but the noise you pictured the head making as it hit the floor almost made you laugh.
Luckily Sister took the fake Terzo head before the intrusive thoughts won you over, handing it back to Copia. "We also need to discuss your first tour, album, and how things are going to work and go, and the budget, now as for the ghoul masks there isn't much time to come up with a redesign but we have made a slight alteration to them alongside producing one specifically for the ghoulettes." Both you and the Cardinal stared at her not being able to believe that she had said that all in one breath.
"Now! Pictures!." She called out making Copia jump a little almost dropping Terzo's head, sitting back you watched as Sister moved him around positioning him like some living doll. He gave small noises of discomfort a random 'ow' here and there, which was sometimes accompanied by a 'god dammit'. "Now Cardi I need you to look angry and serious." He tried but ended up looking like an awkward mess, Nihil's laughter in the background didn't help him either. "Come on…Uhg!… god damn it Cardi more anger!." "I can't Sister!, I can't fake that level of-."
"Bello." You called to him catching his attention quickly. "Think of that night Terzo flirted with me." Copia was silent for a moment remembering. Terzo's smart ass comments, the insults that were directed at him… the way that Stronzo put his arm around you so freely… Oh….oh that did it, the look Copia gave was deadly, serious, and dangerous. "Perfect Cardi!, perfect." Sister spoke as she took the photos an additional one that had Nihil in the background. You had to shift in your chair and swallow the saliva pooling in your mouth or you'd be drooling. the intense stare of your Cardinals eyes… sweet Satan you were wet.
As soon as the photos were done Copia sauntered across the room stopping when he stood in front of you. The Cardinal's gloved hands cupped both your cheeks his lips meeting yours, kissing you with enough force to pin you and the chair back against the wall. You silently thanked Lucifer that the chair was against the wall or you knew both of you would have taken a tumble from the force, this kiss was an act of dominance.
He was silently telling you, you were his and he'd allow no other to have you or touch you and damn it, it made you weak. When Sister finally let you both leave, happy with the results Copia practically dragged you to the nearest free hidden space which happened to be one of the supply closets.
Once inside you turned from him to lock the door you didn't get a chance to turn around, Copia was already pressed against your back. You made a soft noise of discomfort as his grucifix dug into you, Copia pulled the chained symbol from around his neck and hung it onto one of the supply shelves.
"B-babe-." You gasped as you felt him grinding against your ass, his cassock doing little to hide his thick arousal, Copia's gloved hands slid down your sides until he gripped your soft thick hips hard enough to no doubt leave marks behind.
"Forgive me bene mio," Copia spoke against the back of your ear. "But that thought has done more to me than just anger me." His voice was thick with lust and need. "I need you right now Tesoro." Copia's hand came up to cup your clothed breasts squeezing them tightly through the fabric of your habit, his gloved fingers rolling over your clothed hard nipples before leaving them to take hold of your wrists lifting and placing your hands on the door.
"Don't move piccolina." The Cardinal spoke as he lowered himself behind you his gloved hands sliding up your legs slowly, lifting the skirt of your habit with it. Your face was dusted red as your Cardinal moved you just a little so that you were leaning, enough so that your skirt would rest on your lower back and not fall back down. A shaky breath passed your lips as you felt the leather of his gloves slide over your clothed ass. "So full and beautiful…." "Copia…" you whined quietly. "Shush principessa." You could hear him inhale as he breathed in your scent, his fingers hooking into your panties and pulling them down exposing your perfect round ass and pussy to him, your face grew warmer as you heard him growl quietly. "Bellissima."
You were about to speak his name again your mouth opened however the only thing that came out was a strangled gasp as you felt his tongue slide along your wet slit. Your Cardinal's hands moving from your hips his thumbs parting the soft lips of your pussy. His tongue danced against your opening moving up, down, and side to side.
"Oh…Oh fuck Copia." You gasped your legs parting a bit more on instinct the move getting an appreciative growl from your Cardinal, as he dined on you. His hands moved away from you to tug at his belt, you heard the pulling of his zipper as his erection sprung free from his pants. Pulling back he palmed your sex covering his hand with both his saliva and your slick to use, the thought of it made your inner walls clench as you heard the slick noises from both his tongue swirling inside of you and the wet leather as he stroked his engorged length.
Your moans were joined by his muffled ones as you were approaching your end, you could feel that pressure starting to wind up inside of you like a spring about to pop.
Finally, with the last flicker of his tongue against your sensitive clit you came. Your hand cupped over your mouth as you pushed back against that wonderfully talented tongue moaning his name. Copia cleaned up the mess dripping along your legs while you came down from your pleasure high.
Panting you felt Copia stand up behind you, his throbbing erection bouncing against your wet folds.
"C-Condom?." You asked breathlessly, it was a good thing you were turned away from him or you would have seen the man desperately searching himself for protection, only to realize that he didn't have any on him. his harsh 'Ah shit' answered your question, you could feel him throb against your clit making you bite your lip.
For Copia, he was so hard that it was starting to hurt and drive him crazy, almost pushing him to the brink of actually risking pumping his seed into you or trying the pullout method. "Cara Mia I don't have any on me, but I need you so bad." His voice was low and sounded pleading hoping you would give in.
"Don’t talk nonsense.." You whispered looking back at him. "M-Mi dispiace, Sorella." He muffled against your shoulder leaning up you moved enough so that the skirt of your habit fell back down, well somewhat the fabric had hooked onto your Cardinals erected cock making him gasp and give an involuntary buck of his hips.
"I can simply return the favor" you giggled. "Eh..?" Sinking to your knees Copia wheezed as he watched your sinful tongue lick at the tip of his cockhead pressing against his slit. "Ah-… at least one of us is thinking with the correct h-EAD!." Copia gasped loudly as you sucked him in completely his tip nestled lovingly inside your throat his hands going to rest on the door.
"M-Merda, ragazza birichina, si…cara ." Copia gasped out one hand leaving the door only to weave itself into your hair as you sucked him, it didn't take long for him to reach his end having been so worked up. Copia pinned your head against the door with his hips as he came his hot sticky seed hitting the back of your throat in thick ropes, Copia's head laid back his biretta falling and landing on the floor.
Slowly he pulled back his softening cock falling free from your mouth a thin line of spittle and cum connected your lips to him, breaking in seconds to land on your chin. Copia's hands moved to stuff himself back into his pants as you pulled your panties back into place.
A giggle left your mouth as your Cardinal wrapped an arm around your waist pulling you against himself, his head dipping to press a kiss to your lips tasting the faint hint of himself on them. Before the kiss could deepen and require a 'round 2' you both left out of the supply closet hand in hand.
Time seemed to move at a fast pace again in the blink of an eye it was the night before your Cardinal's first tour. Stepping out of the bathroom with his towel wrapped around his waist Copia went over everything.. or tried to his nerves were starting to show. "Eh… keys.. keys… where the hell-. " "Hanging up Caro." You spoke from your place on the couch looking at one of Marmalade's new babies watching the little pink bean crawl around in your hand, you and Copia were still thinking about names he had already named one 'Rolie Polie' given the baby rat always liked to roll around. Getting up you gently placed the baby back with its mother after affectionately naming the little life 'Gelato', closing the cage you turned to face him, your man currently fast-paced walking through the dorm room in nothing but fuzzy slippers and a towel around his waist cursing in his native tongue. You made your way to your Cardinal your hands being placed on his shoulders.
"Copia, just breathe okay? and besides I think the keys should be the last of your worries I mean, hun you aren't even dressed yet." Copia froze for a moment and looked down at himself seeing only a towel wrapped around his waist for the moment, once he acknowledged it the thing fell onto the floor leaving the poor man in nothing but those fuzzy slippers.
"Cara Mia." The words were spoken in utter defeat as your Cardinal rested his forehead against yours with a sigh passing his lips, there was a lot on his mind. The tour, how the masses and followers would react knowing full well that Terzo had been a fan favorite, how he was going to get control of the ghouls and ghoulettes given the fact he hadn't earned his unholy skull paint yet, and then there was you…
He would have to be away from you for so long what if something happened? What if someone hurt you? Went after you? what if someone….better came along…someone more handsome… less awkward? You saw him staring off in the distance again in silent panic, frowning you placed your hands on his cheeks making him look and focus on you. "Copia, everything will be fine, okay?" "But sorella-" "No buts."
You could see the turmoil in his eyes, this was something he wanted but also he didn't want to leave your side. That was when it hit you the memory of his words at the hotel weeks back…
" Each time I thought a sorella or fratello loved me, and wanted to be with me they always chose Terzo or Secondo.." It made your heart ache for him and you couldn't be mad at him for assuming or thinking you'd leave him given that was all he knew, what he'd been through, for a moment you wondered…
Just how many times had your Cardinal's trust been broken? how many times had he wept over rejection? how many tears had he shed alone?
It made your bottom lip wobble thinking about this man before you curled up in bed crying with a broken and battered heart just wanting to be loved, to love, and to matter. With no warning, you reached out and pulled him into a tight embrace hearing him gasp in surprise. "C-Cara?." Copia asked looking down at you his eyes widening when he saw the shine of unshed tears in your eyes. "Dolcezza, what is wrong? Are you alright? did I step on your foot?." He asked looking down only to be taken by surprise as your lips met his once again, this kiss had him freeze in his spot… the amount of passion that you had placed in this kiss, the amount of love you had for your Cardinal, baring your feelings so easily had even shocked you a little bit.
His arms wrapped around you hugging you tight against his naked chest while your hands slid up to rest on his shoulders. Copia slowly walked you back until you felt the cool of the wall press against you. Soft hums were shared into the kisses. "Mmmm.. you know, Tesoro I am going to be gone for a while… I'm going to miss this lovely body of yours from the top of your pretty head to the tips of your dainty toes… let me have tonight, tonight to worship you Principessa."
Your Cardinal whispered as he kissed his way from your lips to your throat, with those soft kisses you both worked your way down the hall to the bedroom. Copia gently laid you down on the bed his slippers had been kicked off by the door leaving the man naked and at attention. You gave a pleased sigh as you felt his hands trace your clothed frame before slowly removing those clothes one garment at a time. His moves were slow, hungry mismatched green, and white eyes were filled with desire as your skin was bared to him. He was only undressing you but your heart was racing, your face warm it felt so intimate as he stared down at you.
When your chest was bare each heavy breast laid to the side, the way he stared at you in awe, as if you were a priceless portrait made your face flush even more. A veil of shyness fell over you as your hands moved over your chest covering yourself from his view, your face turned away from him. The move only got a chuckle from Copia as his hand gently cupped your cheek turning your attention back to him. "Why do you hide from me principessa?."
Right, why hide from him? he'd seen your body before and it's not like it was your first time with him but.. the way he looked at you, not even Secondo looked at you like that. "I… I.." You spoke but couldn't form a reason nor a sentence and you didn't fight him as your Cardinal took possession of your wrists moving your hands away from your breast. "Bellezza, you have the body of a goddess." Copia's voice was above a whisper as he leaned in pressing a soft kiss to the center of your chest before selecting a nipple to take between his lips. Suckling on the erect tip, that sinful tongue of his swirling around it before switching to the other to show it an equal amount of attention. Leaning back his hands kneaded your breast feeling how soft and warm they were in his grip. "Cara mia you have such soft warm perfect breasts" He whispered squishing the mounds together so he could take both of your nipples into his mouth at once.
The move got a gasp from you feeling his tongue lavish both at once. "A…Ah, shit-" You gasped your hands gripping the bed sheets below as Copia continued his relentless attack on your poor sensitive nipples. Finally, with a wet pop he let them go making your head fall back against the pillow your eyes closed. You felt his lips and nose brush down the length of your abdomen. "So soft and lovely." He pressed a flurry of kisses against your belly making you giggle and laugh out his name before he moved on to rid you of your skirt and panties. You watched his eyes roll back as they closed while taking a deep inhale of your scent. "Sorella… your scent alone makes me harder than stone." He muttered having the erection to prove it, the organ visibly throbbing the veins running along the side and bottom were more pronounced. You opened your mouth to speak but were shushed by him. "Ah, ah shush shush, tesoro." Copia smiled you were about to speak when he flopped his face between your legs pushing his tongue as deep inside of you as he could get, making all the words that were about to leave your mouth turn into a long-winded moan.
He ate you like you were his last meal, like a man that had been stranded in the desert for weeks and your cunt was the water he desperately craved, his mouth made your hips arch up against his face as you called out for him. "Copia!." You moaned your moans only increased as he added his fingers to the mix, the Cardinal slipping his middle and index fingers into you thrusting them in and out as fast as he could driving you crazy. You couldn't even make a sentence as you wiggled and squirmed crying out in pleasure, It was all over for you once he latched onto your clit while his fingers continued to be thrust into you. "I..I… Car… Cum!."
You yelled out as your body spasmed your mouth a gape in a silent scream, Copia drank you in his tongue lapping at your entrance getting as much of your release as he could your walls throbbed, and your legs shook after such a strong orgasm. Moving up along your body his lips pressed against yours groaning as his cock throbbed and bounced against your wet lips, reaching over Copia pulled at the nightstand drawer which pulled the lamp cord making the thing fall onto the floor. "Ah shit" He muffled against your lips while his hand frantically dug around in the drawer for a condom.
Blindly passing the opened box he gave a grumble. "Where is it?" Reaching further his fingers finally felt the edge of one of the foil packages that was in the back of the drawer. Copia pulled it out with a 'taa-daa' making you giggle.
Opening the package he rolled it over his erection. Leaning back the Cardinal lifted one of your legs to rest against his shoulder while he guided his cock to your heat, as soon as his cock head touched your warmth his head fell back with a pleased sigh as your pussy welcomed him inside.
Your hands moved to rest on his abdomen once he was completely inside of you, Copia bit his bottom lip looking down at you seeing that pretty face twisted into pleasure, there was still the feeling of overwhelming joy that you chose him. "Così bella, sei pronta cara mia?." He asked his voice shaky with both desire and need. Nodding you gasped as he pulled almost completely out, only to push back into you making you moan his name, your hands grabbing onto the bed sheets below.
In no time you both found a rhythm moving together until Copia practically pinned your knees to your chest, his lips parted panting as he slammed into you with more force. Words were lost to both of you replaced with moans, groans, and grunts of pleasure. Letting go of your legs Copia leaned over you his half-lidded mismatched eyes staring into yours as he fucked you, your arms wrapped around him pulling your Cardinal into a kiss.
"Fuck baby I'm close!." You moaned feeling the pressure build up right to the edge. "Sì, sì, yes cum cara mia cum all over my cock!." Copia groaned as his thrusts became more erratic his brow furrowed and eyes closed as he lost himself in the heat of pleasure, doing all he could to keep hearing your pretty cries the bed creaking loudly you swore you heard a crack. When you came everything around you faded away into a bright light, your hearing muffled as you felt wave after wave of orgasmic bliss run up and down your body, you heard the faint cry of your Cardinal as he came the condom catching his sticky hot seed. You were still in a daze when he collapsed on top of you, your arms lazily wrapped around him holding him there while you both savored the afterglow of your lovemaking.
Copia was reluctant to move from you but he knew he couldn't just lay there not like that at least, he pulled out of you slowly disposing of the condom, and grabbed you both a drink and a bag of chips from the cabinet once he returned to the bed you snuggled up talking and munching before settling in for the night in each other's arms.
Finally, daylight came, and with daylight came the departure of the band on their tour. As equipment was being loaded Copia was checking over the last few items just making sure he had everything they needed. The last of the instruments that needed to be loaded into the trailer was Mountain's drum set, of course you were there to bid your Cardinal goodbye for now, Copia took your hands into his.
"Well tesoro, this is it…" "Copia," she spoke his name lovingly your hand cupping his cheek. "It's only for a few months, not forever." "But a few months will feel like forever Cara." Your Cardinal argued to which you only giggled his name before leaning in to capture his lips. "Copia you have a cellphone correct?." "Sì, it is old, but still works, why?." "Can you video chat on it?" "Yes, Sorella where is this going?." "Duh, silly! we can video chat while you're on the road!." Copia's eyes lit up. "Oh!, why didn't I think of that." "Because you were too busy overthinking and overreacting." you sang out the words before laughing as Copia placed his hands on his hips trying to think of a comeback or anything for that matter, but nothing came to mind the only thing that passed his lips was a defeated sounding 'god damnit'. You both jumped as the bus roared to life. "Come on Cardinal!." Dew shouted while hanging out the door only to be yanked back in by Mountain for a small lecture about safety. "Cara Mia." He started. "I will call you when we reach the hotel." Copia smiled as he gently pulled you against himself for a tight hug, holding you for a good few minutes to memorize how you felt in his arms. His lips found yours the kiss deep and soft, it would be the last one for the next couple of months after all and your Cardinal wanted to savor it. Dew jumped in front of the driver and slammed on the horn making the new front man grumble. "Until then, bene mio." "Until then, amore" you replied watching as your Cardinal's face went two shades of red a large goofy grin on his face, he watched you even as Dew grabbed his arm and made the man stumble back before getting dragged onto the bus.
"Così bella, sei pronta cara mia?." - "So beautiful, are you ready my dear?." Principessa - princess Piccolina - little one Bene mio - my happiness "M-Merda, ragazza birichina, si…cara ." - “S-Shit, naughty girl, yes…dear.”
Taglist: If you would like to be tagged for new chapters let me know! @thesoundresoundsecho @xpapaemeritus @copiasprincipessa
#the band ghost#ghost#copia#cardinal copia#ghostau#Cardinal Copia x Reader#Cardinal Copia x F!Reader#Copia x Reader#Copia x F!Reader#Papa Emeritus 2#Secondo#Papa Emeritus 1#Primo#oc#Papa Emeritus 3 head#Terzos severed head
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Ecco i miei propositi per i prossimi 3 mesi; il prossimo giro dell'anno.
Non averne nessuno. Non essere legata.
Essere libera e gentile con me stessa, non andare alle feste: sedersi piuttosto a leggere in studio.
Fare un buon lavoro di The Waves. Fermare l'irritazione perché nulla vale irritazione.
Leggere, ma anche non leggere.
Uscire sì, ma stare anche a casa.
Per quanto riguarda i vestiti, comprarne di buoni.
- Virginia Woolf, diario, 2 gennaio 1931
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Sempre perché non credo all'oroscopo... ma ogni tanto...
Stanotte la lavastoviglie ha perso ancora acqua, sistemata l'ultima volta a giugno. Vado in internet e per caso vedo che Mercurio è retrogrado da ieri.
Sappiatelo, se restare chiusi in ascensore, se vi cade il cellulare in acqua, se un elettrodomestico si rompe, se il treno si ferma ore in mezzo ai campi, se vi si smagnetizzata una carta, ma anche se avete problemi di comunicazione, a farvi capire o a capire gli altri, è colpa di Mercurio. Sapete a chi dare la colpa di tutte le sfighe da ieri.
E tutto ciò fino al 2 gennaio. Quindi che altro aggiungere... buone feste?
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